Chris Cozine
Acrylic, Oils & Mixed Media PaintingsChris Cozine loved creating art as soon as she was able to use a crayon. It was her passion in school and in her pastime. She loves all kinds of art mediums, but eventually gravitated toward painting due to her love of nature. She later went to college majoring in art which she eventually made her career. Chris was born and raised in the Puyallup Valley while it was still a farm community. She was raised on a small farm nestled against a hill, so she had lots of ponds, creeks, trees, and fields along with Mt. Rainier from which to draw her inspiration. Her love of nature is what inspires her paintings, although she occasionally does a still life, floral, and/or portrait. She has won several first place awards in juried art shows, and a "Peoples' Choice" award at the Washington State Fair. She does landscapes, abstract and sometimes abstract landscapes. "I have done paintings that look very photo-like; but nature and photographers do that so well, I like to create something a little impressionistic and unique, but still appealing." Before moving to Whidbey Island with her family, Chris taught painting in acrylic, oil and watercolor for six years at Pierce College, Puyallup's South Hill Campus, and she taught children and adults at the Open Arts Studio in Tacoma. |
She still teaches occasionally at the Open Arts Studios, Tacoma WA, and has her art displayed and for sale at the Art House Cafe, Tacoma. Chris enjoys teaching and sharing her art with willing pupils. She finds that art opens up a whole new world to her beginning students.
You'll find Chris Cozine's books and DVD's, providing a concrete record of the techniques and processes that she has developed and used in her own work, at her website: |
Garry Oak Gallery | 830 SE Pioneer Way | Oak Harbor, WA 98277 | 360-682-5675
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